
Cool Easter Eggs in WoW

Here are some intended, and sometimes unintended tricks and "fun" tips for World of Warcraft. These may not make you richer, but they WILL enrich your overall gaming experience!

Easter Egg
Name: Go Shovel Dirt
Location: Darnassus
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: Behind the Hunter's Tree in Cenarion Enclave, there is a night elf,
who has a shovel. If you talk to him he says that the head druid dosen't see
his ability, and makes him shovel dirt.
Note: N/A

Easter Egg
Name: Gubber Blump
Location: Teldrassil
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: This name refers to Forest Gump, and his shrimp company called
Bubba Gump.
Note: N/A

Easter Egg
Name: From Another Game
Location: Winterspring - Everlook
Easter Egg: As part of a quest, you must bring a book from winterspring to
Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands. If you read the book, it has a
series of upper and lowercase O's. By treating the uppercase Os as ones and
the lowercase Os as zeroes, The book spells out, in ASCII binary,
"Napa Valley Knights of Chaos." This is a reference to a guild from Ultima
Notes: N/A

Easter Egg
Name: Hail To The King
Location: Ashenvale - Zoram Strand - Blackrock Depths
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: If the Emperor in BRD kills a player he shouts, "Hail To The King
Baby!" This is a reference to the movie, Army of Darkness. (Or the game Duke'Nukem...)
Note: N/A

Easter Egg
Name: The Bong
Location: Ogrimmar - Inn
Coordinates: 54,67
Easter Egg: The table in front of the barkeep in the inn has a bong on it with
a troll and orc on the other side laughing. There is also an aggressive
tauren in this in that you can kill named Gamon. Glaive tells me he's killable
because a level 6 rouge quest has you pickpocket him.
Note: Although not proven, it seems if you attack him and then go in at a later
time, he might randomly attack you.

Easter Egg
Name: Conan
Location: Ogrimmar
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: The Expert Blacksmith trainer Saru quotes directly from Conan the
Barbarian when you talk to him. What he says I don't know, but someone tell me.

Easter Egg
Name: Probable but Not Possible
Location: Ogrimmar/Undercity
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: The Rouge poison quest is titled "Mission: Possible, But Not
Probable." An obvious reference to Mission Impossible.

Easter Egg
The Barrens
Name: George Foreman
Location: The Barrens
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: Funny NPC name based off the Brand of Grills created by George
Note: http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?n=6754

Easter Egg
Name: George Foreman
Location: The Barrens
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There is an NPC somewhere here that has the name of Foreman Grills.
George Foreman Grills is a company that makes... yup you guessed it, grills.
George Foreman was a famous boxer that lost his title to Muhammad Ali.
Note: http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?n=6754

Name: Shrine of Michel Koiter
Location: The Barrens
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: This is a shrine dedicated to Michel Koiter, he was an
Artist for Blizzard, but died during the development of the game. In respect
Blizzard placed this shrine in the game.
Note: http://sonsofthestorm.com/memorial_twincruiser.html

Easter Egg
Name: Who's we?
Location: The Barrens
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There is a Ratchet quest called "Guns of Northwatch", you have to
kill a two canoneers named Smythe and Whessan. Smith and Wesson made a high
quality guns, perticularly revolvers. Hyldun also tells me that this a
reference to the movie/book, "The Guns of Navorone", where a group goes in to
destroy enemy gun emplacements.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Rajizi of Earthen Ring & Hyldun of Laughingskull & Tsuru Hiromi

Easter egg
Name: The Thundercats
Location: The Barrens
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: The Samoflange, an item that leads to several quests throughout
WoW, is a reference to The Thundercats. The Thundercats was a TV show, If you
look online there are audio outakes that featured lots of swearing and the
like. In one part, Panthro says, "And keep your hand off that damn samoflange!"
Glaive tells me this actually a real part in machinery similar to a shifter
for manual transmissions.
Note: N/A

Easter egg
Name: I can do anything!
Location: The Barrens - Wailing Caverns
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: In Wailing Caverns, before you start fighting the giant tree he
yells out, "I am the serpent king! I can do anything!". This is a reference to
Jim Morrison from The Doors.
Note: N/A

Easter egg
Name: The Islander
Location: The Barrens
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: The Warrior's island southeast of Ratchet has a quest called, "The
Islander". You have to speak to a certain NPC named Macleod, which is the last
name of several characters from "Highlander".
Note: N/A

Easter egg
Name: Killing Rats in MMORPG's
Location: Crossroads, The Barrens
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: A cook, by the name of Grub (a joke in itself), will send you on
a Cooking quest called "Dig Rat Stew." His comments end with, "You can't
call yourself a seasoned adventurer until you've spent some time killing
rats! Haw!" Most MMORPGs are known to force starting players to kill trivial
creatures like rats during their first few levels of play. EverQuest is the
most notable for doing this.
Note: N/A

Easter egg
Stonetalon Mountains
Name: Peacepipe
Location: Stonetalon Mountaints - Sunrock Retreat
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: Inside the big tent is a giant peace pipe.
Note: N/A

Easter egg
Name: Prick
Location: Stonetalon Mountaints - Stonetalon Peak
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: At Stonetalon Peak there are mobs called Son of Cenarius, one of
their hands is a spikey branch. If you watch them when they're idle, they'll
sometimes touch this arm with their normal hands of which, they'll prick
themself and shake their hand in pain.
Note: N/A

Easter egg
Name: Centuars
Location: Desolace
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There's a centaur in Desolace with the name of Khan Shakka, this
is a refrence to an 80s msuic artist. There's also another centaur called
Nessos, a centaur in Greek Mythology who helped Hercules.
Note: N/A

Easter egg
Thunder Bluff
Name: Clarice
Location: Thunder Bluff
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: In the cleft underneath Spirit Rise there is an NPC called Clarice
Foster of Silence of the Lambs. This is a combo name, based on Clarice Starling
and Jodie Foster, who played her.
Note: N/A

Easter egg
Dustwallow Marsh
Name: Nat Pagle
Location: Dustwallow Marsh - Islands West of Theramore Isle
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: In the WoW credits, one of the designers is Nat Pagle. Nat Pagle is
the name of the Artisan Fishing trainer loacted on the islands west of
Theramore Isle. I'm guessing in real life, this designer probally fishes alot.
Note: N/A

Easter egg
Name: Garran Vimes
Location: Dustwallow Marsh - Theramore
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: In the Foothold Citadel there's a NPC called Captain Garran Vimes,
a refrence to the Discworld novels by Terry Prattchet, there's a captain named
Garran Vimes.
Note: N/A

Easter egg
Name: Morgan Stern
Location: DUstwallow Marsh - Theramore
Coordinates: The Inn not sure of coords
You can get the coordinates by moving your mouse around your map.
Easter Egg: S. Morgenstern is the auther of the princess bride. William
Goldman 'rewrote' morgenstern's book to be just the good parts.
Note: Morgenstern doesn't really exist William goldman made him up and the
whole story relating to morgenstern to just be another charming part of the
princess bride.

Easter egg
Name: sdrawkcaB
Location: Dustwallow Marsh
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: In Dustwallow, there is an ogre named Draz'zilb which is Blizzard
spelled backwards.
Note: N/A

Easter egg
Name: Archanist
Location: Fealas - Diremaul
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There is a book that drops called the Arcanist's cookbook, which
starts a quest. This is a refrence to the "Anarchist's Cookbook" a unnoffical
book that explains the construction of bombs and other mischief.
Note: N/A

Easter egg
Thousand Needles
Name: Puppy Eating Alien
Location: Thousand Needles - Freewind Post
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: When you complete the Alien Egg quest if you follow it, it will
hunt down the little dog at Freewind and eat it.
Note: N/A

Easter egg
Name: Nose-Picker
Location: Thousand Needles - Freewind Post
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: Supposedly the Flight Master Trainer sometimes picks his nose and
wipes it on the bird, then walks away all proud.
Note: N/A

Easter egg
Name: Goblin Pod Racing
Location: Thousand Needles - Shimmering Flats
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: Some of the Goblin racers have a slight resemblance to Star Wars
Pod Racers, also similar is the fact that the course takes place in a desert,
similar to Star Wars. On a sidenot there is supposedly one in the east canyon
wall, about 10 meters up, apparently he flew a little to high.
Note: N/A

Easter egg
Name: 11
Location: Thousand Needles - Shimmering Flats
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There is a chain of quests in Shimmering Flats that refrences,
"This is Spinal Tap", where one of the NPCs says about another, "He is never
content unless he goes up to 11". This referes to the time one of the band
members says all his amps "go up to 11"
Note: N/A

Easter egg
Name: Pluck
Location: Thousand Needles - Shimmering Flats
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: If you /chicken emote at "Plucky" Johnson on the raceway, he'll
turn into a human.
Note: N/A

Easter egg
Un'Goro Crater
Name: A Link To Zelda
Location: Un'Goro Crater
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There's a NPC named Linken. One of his quests, has a reward for
"Linken's Boomerang". There's alot of Zelda related things relating to Link.
Note: http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?s=Linken%27s

Easter egg
Name: A Link to Dodgadongo
Location: Un'Goro Crater
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: Next to Linken, there is a kodo named Dadango, Dadango was the boss
of the Dodgadongo Cavern.
Note: http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?s=Linken%27s

Easter egg
Name: A Link To Meat
Location: Un'Goro Crater
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There's a quest that has you retreive a chunk of meat on a bone,
this is similar to in the original Zelda. As an added refrence the vendor you
buy the meat from says, "Buy somethin' will ya?" which is what the vendors
said in the original Zelda game.

Easter egg
Name: DK
Location: Un'Goro Crater
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: Gorillas here drop Empty Barrels, this is basicly an obvious
refrence to Nintendo's Donkey Kong.
Note: http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=7517

Easter egg
Name: Mario & Luigi
Location: Un'Goro Crater
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There are two guys here dressed like the Mario Brothers with names
Larion and Muigin.

Easter egg
Name: Chasing A-Me
Location: Un'Goro Crater
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: This quest is a double refrence to the movie Chasing Amy and I
to "Congo" who is a cyberneticly-enhanced gorilla. I've also found that this
is a refernce to the "Thundercats" outtakes. Stretching it a bit far you could
also say this is a ploy on Mario's "It's a-me a Mario!" phrase. Dam triple ref.

Easter egg
Name: Spraggle Frock
Location: Un'goro Crater
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There is an NPC in Marshall's Refuge named "Spraggle Frock," which
is a play on the name of the once popular childrens' show, Fraggle Rock.
Note: http://imdb.com/title/tt0085017/

Easter egg
Location: Un'goro
Easter Egg: Upon turning in the quest "Shizzle's Flyer" in Un'goro Crater,
Shizzle says, "Everything needs a name. I think I'll call it [a flying machine
he's building]...Pwned!" The popular misspelling of "owned."
Notes: OWNED!

Easter egg
Name: Arguing Ogres
Location: Tanaris
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: The Ogre mages with two heads get in an argument and end up
punching each other.
Note: N/A

Easter egg
Name: What are you doing?
Location: Tanaris - Island off Coast
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: Off the coast of Tanaris is an island, if you swim out to it, you
can find a bottle that says, "What the heck are you doing out here?".
Note: N/A

Easter egg
Name: Jose Morgan
Location: Tanaris
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: In the quest Stoley's Shipment, you have to recover some stolen
rum that was stolen by a pirate named Captain Cuervo which is probally a
refrence to the popular brands of alchohol, Jose Cuervo and Captain Morgan.
Stoley's name is also similar in sounding to Stoli, a nickname for Stolichnaya
Note: N/A

Easter egg
Name: The Scrimshank Redemption
Location: Tanaris
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There is a quest in a chain in Tanaris entitled "The Scrimshank
Redemption." This is based on the movie "The Shawshank Redemption."
Note: http://imdb.com/title/tt0111161/

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