
Alliance Children's Week Guide

This is a guide for those that have questions or need help on the quest given during Children's Week.

This quest is started in (for the Alliance) Stormwind City's Cathedral Square, the quest giver is to the right of the giant Cathedral.
Once you start this quest you recieve a orphan whistle which is used to call and dismiss your orphan.

Your orphan can only be male (as far as I know) and there is only a Orc (Horde only) and Human version (Alliance only), no Dwarves, undead, etc. orphans.
Everytime you complete one of these 5 tasks (excluding the first one of summoning your orphan and talking to it), you will recieve 650 experience.
The quest itself requires you to (for the Alliance) visit 3 places so the orphan can see various things:

*The order is not important*
1. One of the places to visit is the Darnassus' bank, which is right in the center or Darnassus (or just ask a patrol for directions)
2. Another one of the places you need to visit is the Lighthouse in Westfall, which is located off the beach just a few feet away on a small island (at the bottom left corner)
3. The last place you need to visit with your orphan is Stonewrought Dam in Loch Modan (see below)

After you visit all three of these places (each place is actually its own quest given to you by your orphan), your orphan will give you two more quests to do, in these two quests you need to:

1. Visit with your orphan to Theramore Isle where you need to talk to Jaina Proudmoore and get her autograph (see below)
2. And you need to buy your orphan some Ice Cream which can be found, not in the Shimmering Flats like the quest says, but at an NPC in Stormwind right beside the bank's mailbox. (Do NOT buy ice cream from other players because most of them charge around 1g when you can get 5 for 5 silver from the Special Treats NPC.)

Stonewrought Dam - to get to this Dam, just fly to Thelsamar and follow the road north. When you reach near the top of the zone, head east and you will see the Dam (the only monsters here are around level 12). Just walk down the Dam to the center and this task will become completed.

Jaina Proudmoore - The easiest way to get here if you havent been here before is to travel to the Wetlands and take the boat that brings you to the Isle. Jaina Proudmoore is in the large castle in the center at the top.

After you complete these tasks (total of 5 quests) you can return to the quest giver in Stormwind's Cathedral Square and you will recieve one of these prizes:

1. Mr.Wiggles the Pig (pet)
2. Whiskers the Rat (pet)
3. Speedy the Turtle (pet)
4. A Bag of 5 Gold

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